Power Man
Larry John Aaron MacCall
WEIGHT : 190 lbs.
OCCUPATION : Entrepreneur/ inventor
GROUP AFFILATION : The Secret Warriors
CITY OF RESIDENCE : Toronto, Ontario, Canada
HAIR : Blond
EYES : Blue
FIRST APPEARANCE : as old Larry (Whiz #4)
KNOWN RELATIVES : Ruth Post (mom),
Ashley Post (wife), Leanne Post (daughter),
Larry Post (son)
Larry was born into a military family. His Dad was a 2 star General in the Canadian army and his mom was a base clerk. One day when he was 15 years old Larry was walking around the base where he lived and he heard music coming from a building. He decided to check it out and discovered that it was the on base church and decided to stay and listen. At the end of the service the preacher offered an invitation to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour to which Larry did after a little soul searching. When he reached 18 he went to college studying various technical expertise of the time. He continued these studies into University. When he had completed University along with some friends who were talented inventors from his University came together to form a business. After about 3 and half years they gained enough influence to be bidding for a new military contract for a new experimental jet pack. Larry’s dad was instrumental in the company winning the contract. This caused the company’s fame to soar. After many prototypes failures on finally succeeded the unfortunate part it would only work for Larry and was unknown why this was and how to do it for someone else as to make future copies. Cause of this problem the military approaches Larry to use the jetpack in service to his Country. He agreed and they began to send him on covert missions during WWII giving him the code name Power Man. Larry had gotten married during his time at University and by the time he became Power Man he had 3 girls and 1 boy at home. Whenever he could he fought crime on the home front. Larry continues to be a CEO of company he help start which at one point had it name changed to MacCall Industries
Power Man has flight ability due to his prototype jet pack. He can reach speeds of400 mph but can only maintain this for 2 hours on a full tank of fuel.. He is armed with a disc launcher on his gauntlets, a boomerang and a personalized shocrum . He has had limited hand to hand combat training and is always getting more