REAL NAME : Katherine (Kats) Kane
HEIGHT : 5’10"
WEIGHT : 135 lbs.
OCCUPATION : Environmental Business owner
GROUP AFFILATION : The Holy Warriors
CITY OF RESIDENCE : Vancouver, BC, Canada
HAIR : Black
EYES : Hazel
FIRST APPEARANCE : Canadian Shield #4 (Kats), Ozona #1 (Ozona)
Kats grew up in a normal Christian home however she herself never accepted Christ. In school her favroite subject was math and in high school it was business courses and learned about being enviromentaly friendly which she adopted with a passion. After finishing school she started her own environmental company in Vancouver where she moved to get away from her family whom she thought was overly religious. Her business quickly took off and within five years hers was the buiggest environmental company in Canada but the stress of success got to her and she died without warning.
In less than a day her family was informed and had her body shipped back to Ontario in a plane that had freezers for just such things. Her family also went into prayer right away asking God for her resrection so she might come to know him and not spend eternatiy without him.
When the plane landed most of the family was there to meet it and in prayer and mourning. Then from out of nowhere the Canadian Shield appeared commanding Katherine Kane to rise and to be fill with power from the almighty. At that point a huge gust of wind came sweeping through the crowd and went under the coffin and up through it blowing the coffin top with such force it flew into the air and came crashing to the ground. After the coffin crashed to the ground Katherine sat up and inquired to what was going on. After being told she accept Christ right there.
With this she decided to rest for a month and get thing straight with being no longer dead. During this time strange things became to happen that she barely gave notice to. Such as when it was about to storm she would say for the storm to get lost and it would. Then a couple of time when huge gust of winds were blowing she would tell it to stop and it did immediately however in the end she gave all this little regard.
Then when she arrived back in Vancouver it was down pouring rain and not in the mood at all for rain. So being human as us all and stupidest reason like all might do she told the rain to stop and within seconds it did. At that moment she got the crazy idea that she just might be able to control the weather so she decided to test it out. At this she told it to rain and it did and then she told it to stop it raining.. Now knowing she could control the weather to a point she decided to test the powers further and told lightning to hit a near by garbage can. And lightning hit the can
Now remembering about the superhero praying over her and the rest of the new superhero appearing on the scene on TV. she decides to use her new found powers to honor God by becoming a superhero herself. Within a few weeks she gets a costume together and practices with her powers and finally takes the name Ozona.
Ozona has no hand to hand combat training. However with her new found powers she can use the wind to fly or just to blow stuff around. She can also command lightning to strike any target she wishes. Over all she can control any thing pertaining to the weather and the elements such as the wind, water, lightning clouds etc.. One ability that she has that is quite unique is that she can make a bubble that is just slightly bigger than the object she desires to in closes it. The bubble is made out of the same components of the ozone layer.