REAL NAME : Brutus P. Buckeye
HEIGHT : 6’8"
WEIGHT : 330 lbs.
OCCUPATION : Canadian naval sailor
GROUP AFFILATION : The Secret Warriors
CITY OF RESIDENCE : Hailfax, NS, Canada
HAIR : Red
EYES : Blue
Brutus was born and raised in a blue collar family in a small fishing community He acquired a love for the sea at an early age. So when he became of age he sighed up with the Royal Canadian Navy. One of the first thing his superiors and fellow crew members noticed was his amazing physical strength and stamina and for this he was nick named Moose. Moose was well liked by all the crew and anyone else who knew him. One afternoon while aboard ship he overheard some noise coming one of the cabins. He recalled that he had never been to this area of the ship before. At this he decided to check out what the sound was. Once inside he saw the chaplain giving a message to a number of fellow sailors. Then he decides to sit down and listen for a bit. After listening to the message the chaplain gives an innovation to accept Christ and Brutus accepts. By W.W.I1 Moose had reached the rank of lieutenant commander and had gotten the position chief of security. From time to time he is given special assignments off ship due his special abilities. These assignments are sometimes alone and sometimes teamed up with others. Upon his retirement from the navy he becomes a private investigator. Little is known about him after this.
Brutus has been trained by the Royal Canadian Navy for combat in the and passed boot camp with flying colours. His hand to hand combat skills are almost unmatched His marksmanship is suburb. He was born with near meta human physical strength and stamina