Canadian Shield
REAL NAME : Man Like Cougar (Manly Cougar)
WEIGHT : 600 lbs.
GROUP AFFILATION : The Holy Warriors
HAIR : Black
EYES : Brown
FIRST APPEARANCE : Canadian Shield #1
Born and raised in the early 1800’s he was given the name of Man Like Cougar by his parents. He was raised in the ways of his tribe. Shortly after reaching adulthood he came into contact with missionaries heading to the west and they intrigued him with their beliefs. With this he went is search for more information on the God of the white as he knew it. In the end changed his beliefs to that of believing in Christ as saviour and Lord. With this he began to be shunned by his people and by those with whom he now shared similar beliefs. This ate at his heart of seeming not to belong anywhere he continue in his new faith.
One day he went to a church that would let him come in when no one else was there to seek God. When praying at the alter for direction and guidance he was suddenly transported from that time to our present and a great distance from where he was. Within seconds after he appeared the suit he now wears as the Canadian Shield appeared. It was transported from some number of years in the future back to our present. After looking around an angel appeared to him telling him to put the suit on as well as telling him that he had been transported forward in time. As the angel leaves he instructs Man Like Cougar to head south. With the angel gone he puts the suit on and shortly there after discovers that the suit has given him incredible abilities which make him a virtual superman.
Over the course of time he perfects these abilities. As he travels southwards he comes into contact with the marvels of our modern world and learns to cope with it all. He eventually battle others with various abilities. He also uses his new abilities to help others when ever he can. In this helps a man over come a drug addiction. This man then helps him on his journey southwards and even helps Msn Like Cougar to name himself Canadian Shield when wearing the suit.
Manly has no powers of himself all the powers he has come from the suit which merely enhances the abilities of the wearer such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, thought, reflexes and durability. It also protects the wearer from assortment of weaponry such as all caliber of bullets, lasers, intense heat and cold. It also giver the wearer the ability to fly. This makes the wearer a virtual superman.